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Optimising Your Google Business Profile

by Alex Carr12/02/2024
Coders or programmers show work statistic, analytics at website, making search of information

In today's digital age, your online presence is more crucial than ever. A well-optimised Google Business Profile (GBP) can be the difference between being discovered by potential customers and being overlooked. At Morningstar Digital, we understand the power of an effective online presence. With our vast experience in web development, design, and SEO, we've helped hundreds of businesses, from local startups to global e-commerce platforms and ASX-listed finance companies, enhance their online visibility. This guide aims to share our expertise in optimising your Google Business Profile, ensuring your business stands out in a crowded digital landscape.

Why Optimise Your Google Business Profile?

  • Enhanced Visibility: A well-optimised GBP increases your chances of appearing in Google's local search results and Google Maps, putting your business in front of potential customers.
  • Improved Engagement: With accurate and detailed information, customers are more likely to engage with your business, whether it's visiting your website, making a phone call, or getting directions to your store.
  • Increased Trust: A complete and active profile sends a signal of credibility and professionalism to your customers, encouraging trust in your brand.

Step-by-Step Guide to Optimising Your GBP

Verify Your Business

Ensure your business is verified on Google. This process confirms that you are the rightful owner of the business, allowing you to manage your profile and respond to reviews. Verification typically involves receiving a postcard from Google with a code to confirm your business's address.

Complete Every Section of Your Profile

Business Name

When setting up your Google Business Profile, it’s imperative to use your business’s legal name without adding unnecessary keywords or locations that do not form part of your official name. This approach maintains the integrity of your business identity on Google and prevents any confusion among your customers. Misleading names with added keywords can also violate Google’s policies, potentially leading to penalties. Stick to the name your customers know and trust to maintain consistency across all your online and offline branding.


Selecting the right categories for your business is crucial for appearing in relevant search queries on Google. Start with a primary category that best represents your core business. This primary category has a significant impact on your Google search visibility, especially for local searches. You can add additional categories to cover other aspects of your business, but ensure they are directly related to your services or products. Accurate categorization helps Google understand what your business offers, making it easier to match your profile with appropriate searches.


Your business description on Google Business Profile is an opportunity to tell your story to potential customers. This section should concisely highlight what makes your business unique, focusing on your core values, services, or products that set you apart from the competition. Keep the tone customer-focused, welcoming, and inclusive, ensuring it reflects your brand’s voice. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally to improve your search visibility, but avoid keyword stuffing, which can negatively impact the reader’s experience. This description is your chance to make a great first impression, so make every word count.

Contact Information

Up-to-date contact information is the cornerstone of your Google Business Profile. It ensures that potential customers can easily reach out to you, visit your website, or find your physical location without hassle. Double-check that your phone number, address, and website URL are accurate and update them promptly if anything changes. Consistency in your contact information across the web also helps improve your local SEO, as it reinforces the credibility of your business information.

Operating Hours

Your operating hours on Google Business Profile must always be current to manage customer expectations effectively. Include your regular operating hours and make sure to update them for holidays, special events, or any changes in your schedule. Providing accurate operating hours reduces customer frustration and prevents negative experiences, such as arriving at a closed location. Google also allows you to set special hours in advance, which is particularly useful for planning around holidays and special events, ensuring your customers are always well informed.

Photos and Videos

Visual content plays a pivotal role in engaging potential customers on your Google Business Profile. Regularly update your profile with high-quality photos and videos that showcase your business, products, and services. This could include images of your storefront, staff at work, your product range, or before and after shots of your services. Videos offer a dynamic way to tell your business’s story, demonstrate your products, or share customer testimonials. Fresh, relevant visual content not only keeps your profile engaging but also gives potential customers a clearer understanding of what to expect from your business, potentially influencing their decision to choose you over competitors.

By expanding on these critical sections, your Google Business Profile becomes a more powerful tool in attracting and engaging customers, ultimately driving more business your way.

Collect and Respond to Reviews

Encouraging your satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on your Google Business Profile (GBP) is a crucial strategy for boosting your business's online presence and credibility. Reviews not only influence potential customers' perceptions but also play a significant role in improving your local SEO rankings. Here’s how you can implement a robust process for collecting reviews and managing customer feedback:

Developing a Review Collection Strategy
  1. Post-Purchase Emails: Automate an email campaign to follow up with customers after a purchase or service completion, inviting them to review their experience. Ensure the email is friendly, personalized, and includes a direct link to your GBP to make the process as easy as possible.
  2. In-Store Signage and Cards: For physical locations, place signs or hand out cards with instructions on how to leave a Google review. This can be particularly effective in a retail or hospitality setting where customer satisfaction is high in the moment.
  3. Website and Social Media: Utilize your website and social media platforms to encourage reviews. A call-to-action on your website or a post on social media can direct happy customers to your GBP.
  4. Train Your Staff: Educate your staff about the importance of reviews and how they can encourage satisfied customers to leave feedback. A personal request from a staff member can be very effective, especially in service-oriented businesses.
Responding to Reviews

Responding to reviews, both positive and negative, is essential for managing your online reputation. Here’s how to handle feedback:

  • Positive Reviews: Thank each customer for their review and positive feedback. Personalized responses add a touch of appreciation and show that you value customer input and satisfaction.
  • Negative Reviews: Approach negative reviews as opportunities for improvement. Respond promptly and professionally, acknowledging the customer’s concerns and offering to resolve any issues offline if necessary. This demonstrates to both the reviewer and potential customers that you are committed to customer satisfaction and are proactive in addressing concerns.
Leveraging Reviews for Business Improvement

Reviews can also serve as valuable feedback for your business operations. Analyze trends and recurring comments to identify areas for improvement or to reinforce successful practices. Sharing positive reviews and customer testimonials on your website and social media can also boost your brand's image and credibility.

Creating a Positive Review Culture

Foster a culture within your business that values customer feedback and sees it as a tool for growth. Celebrate positive reviews with your team and discuss how you can collectively address any negative feedback. Encouraging this culture ensures that your team remains customer-focused and committed to providing the best possible service.

By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your Google Business Profile's effectiveness, improve your local SEO, and build a stronger, more trustworthy brand presence online. Remember, a systematic approach to collecting and managing reviews can significantly impact your business’s reputation and success.

Utilise Google Posts

Google Posts is a powerful feature within your Google Business Profile (GBP) that allows you to directly communicate with your audience through timely updates. By leveraging Google Posts, you can share a wide range of content that keeps your profile fresh, informative, and engaging. Here's how to make the most of Google Posts:

Types of Content to Share on Google Posts
  1. Promotions and Offers: Highlight special promotions, discounts, or offers that your business is currently running. This can drive immediate interest and action from potential customers viewing your profile.
  2. Events: Share information about upcoming events hosted by your business. Whether it's a webinar, workshop, sale, or an in-store event, Google Posts can help increase attendance and awareness.
  3. New Products or Services: Announce the launch of new products or services to keep your audience informed about what’s new with your business. This keeps your offerings top of mind for potential customers.
  4. Business Updates: Communicate any changes in your business operations, such as new opening hours, relocation, or changes in service due to seasonal adjustments or external factors like public health guidelines.
  5. Engaging Content: Share engaging content such as tips, advice, or insights related to your industry. This can establish your business as a knowledgeable and helpful resource in your field.
Best Practices for Using Google Posts
  • Be Visual: Always include a high-quality image or graphic with your post to grab attention. Visual content is more likely to engage users and encourage them to read your post.
  • Keep it Concise: Google Posts should be brief and to the point. Make sure your message is clear and concise, with a strong call to action (CTA) encouraging viewers to take the next step, whether it's visiting your website, booking an appointment, or taking advantage of a special offer.
  • Use Timely Content: Google Posts are displayed for a limited time, so focus on content that is timely and has immediate relevance. This ensures that your posts are always fresh and engaging for viewers.
  • Monitor Engagement: Pay attention to which types of posts get the most engagement. This can help you refine your strategy and focus on content that resonates most with your audience.
  • Respond to Trends: Use Google Posts to respond to current trends or topics in your industry. This shows that your business is up-to-date and actively engaged with the broader conversation.
Integrating Google Posts into Your Digital Strategy

Google Posts should be a key component of your broader digital marketing strategy. By regularly updating your GBP with engaging posts, you can drive more interaction with your profile, leading to increased visibility and potentially more business. Additionally, integrating your Google Posts with other marketing efforts, such as social media or email campaigns, can provide a cohesive and comprehensive marketing approach.

In conclusion, Google Posts offers a unique opportunity to enhance your Google Business Profile's effectiveness by directly engaging with your audience. By strategically utilizing this feature, you can keep your profile active, highlight key aspects of your business, and drive more engagement from potential customers.

Advanced Tips for GBP Optimisation

  • Use Keywords Strategically: Incorporate relevant keywords into your business description and posts to improve your search visibility. However, ensure the use is natural and adds value to your customers.
  • Manage and Respond to Q&A: Actively manage the Questions and Answers section of your GBP. Answering questions promptly can improve customer engagement and provide valuable information to potential customers.
  • Optimise for Mobile: With a significant number of searches happening on mobile devices, ensure your website is mobile-friendly. A seamless mobile experience can influence a customer's decision to choose your business over a competitor's.

Wrapping Up

Optimising your Google Business Profile is an ongoing process that requires attention to detail and a strategic approach. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can significantly improve your business's online visibility and customer engagement. At Morningstar Digital, we're dedicated to helping businesses like yours thrive in the digital world. Whether you're a small operator or a global e-commerce platform, our team has the expertise to enhance your online presence and drive your business forward.

Remember, in the vast ocean of digital content, your Google Business Profile is your beacon. Let it shine brightly by optimising it to its full potential. If you're looking for expert assistance to elevate your online presence, Morningstar Digital is here to help. Together, we can turn your digital goals into reality.

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