Embark on a journey of self-discovery with PersonalaMe, a website rooted in psychological science. Our unique logo, featuring a brain graphic and dual-colour schemes, signifies the complexity of personalities within one mind.
PersonalaMe is a confidential psychological science-based platform with the goal to get you out of your own way, to demystify personality presentations for health professionals, and to build research data. Their personality test is focused on providing a simple way to assess and understand patterns of behaviour, emotions, and thoughts that are part of you. After taking the test, the results are displayed on the screen immediately. You can then have a further understanding of your results by going to Understanding My Results page. But remember, the PID-5 Personality Test is not an alternative to therapy or a form of crisis support.
Take the Personala Me’s Personality Test to discover who you are. For questions, concerns or requests, visit their Contact Page.