Choose Aged and Home Care Quality Consultants for tailored consulting services designed to meet your specific needs. Our professional and experienced nursing team is dedicated to delivering quality outcomes and building efficient client relationships.
Aged and Home Care Quality Consultants provide exceptional consulting services that are catered specifically to the need of their clients. Professional and experienced nursing, as they focus on quality outcomes for customers, focus on building an efficient and driven relationship. Aged and Home Care assisted clients internationally and across Australia.
Aged and Home Care are professionally associated with ACHSM (Australasian College of Health Service Management), LASA (Leading Age Services Australia) and RMIA ( Risk Management Institute of Australasia). Offers assistance and guidance in becoming an approved provider, developing Governance frameworks, manage risks, education staff, occupational health and safety requirements, food handling and kitchen requirements, complaint management and open disclosure assistance, self-assessments and auditing, and establishing your clinical practice.